Saturday, February 16, 2008

Costa Rica Tours

Hey everybody. I just wanted to let you all know that the guys over at Costa Rica Uncovered totally hooked me up with the most killer tour experience I've had in Costa Rica. I've been here for a few years, I've been all over this country, and I'd thought I'd seen it all. When these guys started digging through their favorites (they've been doing this since 1984, so they have plenty of them) they were able to show me the stuff I know off and a lot of new stuff.

Long story short these guys have so many different Costa Rica tours that anyone can find something to love. They hooked me up, and I told them I would tell my friends. Since I haven't posted in a while I figured I would tell all of you as well. these guys do more than tours, they have a fully loaded web site with all kinds of info someone looking to vacation in Costa Rica would want. Check them out and tell them I sent ya. I might get a chance to go white water rafter again if you do. Pura vida!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Jaco Beach Costa Rica

Jaco is a little "party" city in Costa Rica's Pacific coast. People come to Jaco to relax during the day and party all night. There is plenty to do around Jaco, and not only for the party crowd. Jaco's central location has made it a popular spot for all kinds of tourists. It also sports one of the largest selections of restaurants and bars in Costa Rica.

One thing that has been exploding in Jaco recently is Real Estate. Jaco's once quiet beachfront known only by surfers and fisherman is lined with condos. There is no end in sight to the construction with recently finished projects being bought out and built over with even larger projects.

What does this mean for the vacationer? The condos need occupation, and you can get amazing deals on travel this way. Discounted hotel prices and that of vacation rentals means that you can stay in Jaco for a fraction of what something similar would cost elsewhere.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

SEO Search Engine Optimization

Jaco Costa Rica

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of optimzing web pages for better search engine results. While in Jaco Costa Rica SEO is importnat, search engine marketing is even more critical. SEM is an equally detailed and necessary component in todays web marketing.

Jaco Costa Rica

My little place on the web to tell the world about Jaco Costa Rica!